AAA stands for Authentication, Authorization & Accounting.
AAA is an information security framework used for controlling access to computer resources, enforcing policies & tracking for auditing usage of resources required for billing of resources.
AAA used to control which user is allowed to access the network resources by comparing user's login credentials (user id & password) with AAA server's database (Active Directory) stored user credential data called Authentication, authorize that user for performing a pre-defined task as per roles & responsibilities set in the database (enforcing policies) called Authorization and tracking the actions performed while accessing the network called Accounting. Here AAA server acts as an Identity & Access Management Tool.
For example, administrator can access a network device by using console normally. In case of accessing network device remotely, it can happen only by using IP address. But the same IP can be use by an unauthorized user, causes security issues so requires a proper authentication. Packets exchanged between the devices should also be encrypted so that attacker cannot capture the sensitive information. That's why here AAA comes into picture.
AAA Protocols are as below:
Remote authentication dial-In user service (RADIUS) is a networking protocol that uses a client/server architecture to handle AAA tasks for users on a remote network. Users attempting to access the network are granted authentication and authorization using RADIUS. To add an additional layer of protection, RADIUS encrypts all AAA data packets.
In order for RADIUS to function, a user must first send a request to a network access server (NAS). The NAS then forwards the request to the RADIUS server, which can either approve, deny, or challenge the request by requesting additional information.
The Diameter protocol an evolution of RADIUS is a AAA protocol works with mobile devices, Long-Term Evolution (LTE) and multimedia networks like streaming websites or Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) applications, used in telecommunication. Diameter is custom-designed to optimize LTE connections and mobile networks.
The network protocol known as TACACS, or Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System, was developed by Cisco. The industry currently uses TACACS+, an improved version of original TACACS protocol, for Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting (AAA) in network security.
TACACS+ separates the authentication and authorization processes, and this differentiates it from RADIUS, which combines them. Also, TACACS+, like RADIUS, encrypts its AAA packets.
TACACS+ gives admins more security by providing a separate key from the client for authorization.
TACACS+ is used for Network Devices - Wi-Fi, VPNs, Routers, Network Switches and Firewalls with extra layer of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Security.
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