Network Architecture
Computer Network Architecture is a physical design or layout which includes hardware, software, their connections, protocols used as well as communication channels within an organization or across the internet.
Types of Network Architectures
1) Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Model: A network in which all computers / peers are connected with each other. Every computer is a node & working as a client & server both. It requests and provides resources to other nodes without the need for a central authority or server.
* It is used in a file-sharing applications using BitToorent communication protocols or small number of computers are in use ( BitTorrent enables users to distribute data over the internet in a decentralized manner )
* Video streaming
* Online gaming
* P2P networks can reduce load and cost of servers
* Increases availability and reliability of resources
* Enhances privacy and anonymity of node
* Failure of one computer won’t disrupt the rest of the system
* Do not require network operating system
* Easier to manage not required advanced knowledge
* File retrieval process can begin at any time
* Entire library of files can be available online
* Not possible to back up files or folders centrally
* P2P can be difficult to manage and secure due to varying capabilities, configurations, and trust levels among nodes.
* Vulnerable to attacks such as malware, copyright infringement, and free riding.
* Inconsistency in terms of efficiency due to varying bandwidth, latency and availability
2) Client-Server Model:
A network in which all computers (clients) are connected to a central hub or server. Client / node request services or resources from the server, which processes these requests and responds, used web browsing (client requests a webpage from a server) or file sharing (clients accessing files stored on a server).
There are several types of client server architecture, including 2-tier architecture, 3-tier architecture, and distributed architecture. Each type has its characteristics and is suited for different application scenarios.
The 3-tier architecture is a more advanced version of client server architecture. It consists of a client, an application server, and a database server. The client sends requests to the application server, communicating with the database server to retrieve or update data.
The Distributed architecture involves distributing the workload among multiple servers. It allows for improved performance, fault tolerance, and scalability. In this architecture, different servers handle client requests and share resources.
* It includes web browsing & email
Online banking
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