Installation of SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) & SQL Server


1.  Understand SQL Server basics

2.  Understand SQL Server Architecture

3.  Install SSMS

4.  Install SQL Server

5.  Connect SSMS to SQL Server 

6. Attach Database to SSMS

Follow these steps to install SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS):

1.  Navigate to the Microsoft Download Centre page.

2.  Choose the correct version of "SQL Server Management Studio" for your SQL Server installation by performing a search for it.

3.  To start the download, click the Download button.

4.  Run the setup program to begin the installation process after the download is finished.

5.  Select the "SSMS" feature and any additional features you wish to install in the Installation Wizard.

6.  Click "Install" to launch the installation procedure after selecting the installation location.

7.  Hold off until the installation is finished. Determining how long it will take depends on your system.

8.  Use the Windows Start menu to run SSMS after the installation is complete.

That's it! You have successfully installed SQL Server Management Studio.

There are multiple phases involved in installing SQL Server, and the specifics will depend on the version you're installing and the operating system you're using. The following is a general how-to:

  1. From the Microsoft website, get the installation files for the version of SQL Server that you want to install. Make sure you have the correct operating system version installed.

  2. Run the setup program to begin the installation process after the download is finished. You might be given the option to select between Basic and Custom installation types.

  3. The license terms and conditions will then be presented to you for acceptance. Click "I accept" after carefully reading them to move forward.

  4. Choose the features you want to install from the Feature Selection screen. The default settings are adequate for the majority of users.

  5. Select whether you want to install a named instance or a default instance of SQL Server on the Instance Configuration screen. In contrast to named instances, which let you select a unique name, default instances use the server's hostname as the instance name.

  6. The service accounts that will be used to operate SQL Server will then need to be specified. For the majority of users, the default settings are usually adequate.

  7. You'll be asked to enter the authentication mode for SQL Server in the Database Engine Configuration screen. Windows authentication and Mixed Mode authentication, which combines Windows authentication and SQL Server authentication, are the two options available. You must use a secure password for the SQL Server system administrator (SA) account if you select Mixed Mode.

  8. You can define the SQL Server Agent startup account and set up a number of server-level options in the Server Configuration page.

  9. You can set up different database-level options on the Database Engine Configuration screen, including file locations and collation options.

  10. Once all the parameters have been set, click "Install" to start the installation process.

  11. The duration of the process might range from a few seconds to many hours, depending on the size and complexity of the installation. When the installation is complete, a confirmation page showing the successful installation of SQL Server should appear.

  12. Depending on your particular needs, you might need to install more components or change more parameters. For more details, go to the SQL Server manual.

That's it! You have successfully installed SQL Server on your system.

Connect SSMS to SQL Server:
  1. To connect to your SQL Server instance, type the credentials and server name.

  2. You may manage your SQL Server instance and databases using SSMS after you're connected.


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